Hello, we’re

Refreshingly bullshit-free


Communication training and consultancy

Every day, you speak and write in the hope of getting other human beings to do, think, or feel something. You use words to get cooperation. Most of us do this without too much thinking - we follow our instincts. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes it doesn't. 

We're a team of experts in communication. We help people all over the world - people in business, government, and NGOs - to get results by speaking or writing. We can help you master the skills through our training and coaching programmes, or we can build your message for you.

Get in touch for a chat - we're refreshingly bullshit-free.




51 Debenham Court,
London E8 4PY


+44 20 7689 8900


What we do

Presenting online

More and more of our presentations happen online. Covid-19 accelerated the trend, but the transition will continue, lockdown or no lockdown. Holding attention, making an impact, and inspiring change are a challenge even when you're face-to-face. How can you do the best possible job online?


Of the hundreds (or thousands) of presentations you've seen, you probably think that about 10% qualify as "good". You're right. And it’s a depressing statistic. We can help you be in the 1% that qualify as excellent, so that your message sticks and people take action.

Negotiating online

Negotiations can be high-temperature discussions. You need to be able to watch your counterpart's reactions second by second. If you're face-to-face, you can read the emotional response and manage it  - you can suggest a coffee break if you need to take the pressure off. But what if you're just stuck on Zoom? What does a successful negotiation look like online?


The biggest mistake negotiators make is to understand negotiation as a conflict. We focus on transforming negotiation into a cooperative process. Universally, this results in better deals for both parties. We can help you master the skills, or consult on ongoing dealmaking.

Running workshops online

Before 2020, most workshops took place face-to-face. We couldn't imagine how we'd get a group of people to think together - creatively, critically, courageously - on videoconference. But, with the right tech and moderation skills, you can run successful workshops online.


Workshops can be frustrating. Sometimes they're silent, tense, and awkward. Sometimes a dominant personality takes over and makes it all about them. We'll show you how to make it balanced, cooperative, and creative. It all comes down to creating the right psychological environment.

Influencing & Persuasion

When was the last time someone told you that you should do something? Did it make you want to do it? Exactly. No matter what you need someone to do, you stand the highest chance of success if you can make them want to do it. We'll show you how.


Information is power. Your customers have more of it than ever before. Whether you work with multinationals or consumers, your prospect can benchmark your products and services against your competitors' within a few clicks. So why should they choose you?


You're drowning in text. It's enough effort to get through your inbox, never mind the weighty report that is, apparently, critical reading. We'll show you how to create writing that is so concise and crisp that the ideas leap off the page. 

Bespoke training & coaching

You need some communication training, but it doesn't quite fit any of the categories here? No problem. We love bespoke training. We've hand crafted training for all kinds of people and organisations. Just drop us a line and tell us what you need.